Patch 1.4.8 (PC) - Controller Support!

Hi hello!

It's Rares from the bear team again with a much requested update: Controller Support!
While we're still monitoring issues and bugs reported here or through our support site, this patch focuses on mostly bringing Controller Support to the game on Steam.

A couple of notes on Controllers:

  • You will need to manually pick your controller inside the game's options. At the moment, automatic switching between inputs isn't available due to limitations in certain parts of the game. For instance, build mode can't allow switching inputs on the fly because the UX behaves differently depending on what type of input you're using. We're working on improving this.

  • The Controller scheme we've implemented has been out for a bit and we've already seen first hand impressions. B&B is a complex game to map to Controller, especially given the fact that Hank (adventure) mode and build mode need to coexist within the same controller space, we hope you'll give it a little bit of time to get used to it. We are taking on feedback on how to improve it!


On the note of feedback, we're officially launching


If you'd like to suggest a feature for Bear and Breakfast, please head to and leave yours, or just vote on what others have suggested!

We've been listening to A LOT of feedback from youse, here on Steam, our discord, twitter, email and more. We have a good idea of what the most brought up suggestions are, but we want to make it official. Using the Feature Upvote site for Bear and Breakfast, you can suggest and vote in ANY feature you'd like to see added to the game.

This will help us understand the direction you all think this game should go in as well as give us a way to keep you up to date with what we're working on. We'll take note on the most upvoted or suggested features and also mark development status on those that we pick to implement eventually.

23 SEP 2022 - Bear and Breakfast 1.4.8 Patch Notes (PC)

Bugs and Fixes

  • Added Controller Support for the game (Please select your input device from the game's settings menu)

  • Fixed a few issues with sound effects voice counts.

  • Fixed a bunch of missing localization strings.

  • Added a forced buff refresh after loading staff data (Cooking / Heating)

  • Fixed a bug where Staff Locked message would still display on serving table, even after disabling automation.

  • Fixed a bug where staff would sometimes clear valid container contents when stations are active, but the global staff flag is off.

In the meantime, we are still working on getting Steam Deck Verified!

And a small update on us, as people.

A lot has happened in the past two months since we officially launched the bear game. We've pushed a few patches, did a few interviews, launched again and even got invited to show up on national TV (thus being able to get official approval from our parents).

We're officially out of "launch season" for the bear game, now with all the original launch versions being out. We're extremely happy with your reactions so far, and we want to keep supporting this game for a long while.

While we're still tinkering with support on issues and what we've promised to deliver, In the immediate future we're also taking a bit of time to rest and prioritize on our own health, which has taken a bit of a beating in the last few months. It ain't easy being grizzly.

In any case, we're still reading, watching, responding and keep you updated on things as best we can. Thank you for sticking around!

Thank u, love u
- Rares
